Great article!

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Interesting! I'm nervous about AI - so far.

I am now re-reading Tom Pine's books in the 'Father Al Takes a Vacation' trilogy. The habitually unclothed New Adamite moon-dwellers prefer the term 'unclothed' vs. 'nude' or 'naked', since 'unclothed' describes the *natural* state of a person, whereas 'nude' or 'naked' imply a not-natural condition; as if something is missing from an artificial, man- or moon- made, normally clothed, state. It seems your AI queries have somehow elicited a 'human' type of response, not the neutrality I would expect (or hope for) from an impartial 'artificial' intelligence.

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The responses are "human type" because the systems are trained on human language and human writings. What other source could there be? It's not like the systems just construct themselves. Of course, everything depends on *what* human writings are used for the training. If the sources were unreliable, it would be a matter of GIGO (garbage in-garbage out). As far as naturism is concerned, the relevant sources were certainly from people who actually knew what they were talking about. But if a question involves something for which there's very little if any good information, a bot will just make something up, based on who-knows-what. This is a well-known problem.

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Sincere thanks for your encouraging article. as you said rightly, i agree that our naturism passion has to be shared which may help to locate & expand local naturists, especially in countries where the laws are stringent.

Surely I will try once-twice the ChatGPT discussion which may help in sharing my naturism passion, initially with my close doctor friend when we will have party in next couple of days.

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